Blockchain technology is evolving outside the cryptocurrency markets. Its inherent ability to decentralize and store immutable data makes it an ideal candidate for data-driven apps and IoT. Blockchains can be private chains with just a few secure nodes and feeless transactions— meaning that hashing algorithms used to secure transactions do not have to be in line with public chains that require tremendous resources and overhead. Our architecture takes advantage of this implementation plus much more!
Typical database apps do not have memories. When you change a field from one value to another, the last value is gone. Versioning and temporal tables can be exhaustively programmed in, but the need to constantly backup and geographically disposition backups still exists.
BCA is designed to effortless hook to transactions managers for apps, platforms, and existing systems. Instantly allowing centralized apps to decentralize the data, make the data immutable and trusted, and integrate back with the app to tell the entire story of an event or process.
BCA can be used in parallel with a database to not degrade performance or create complexity. The blockchain creates trust by ensuring the system rules are followed and can recognize any data modifications performed outside of the system or app.
Databases are CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Blockchains are CR (Create & Read). Readings from sensors should never be updated or deleted. The first thing needed when IoT sensors are read is for the data to be secured, stored, and replicated. The perfect fit for blockchain.
BCA takes this concept further by focusing on communication. BCA allows for transmission pipes which immediately and simultaneously broadcast the reads to dashboards, integrated systems, learners, assistants, and apps. Every dashboard and device receives the same information at the same time.
BCA can handle thousands of reads every second with plug and play ease of use. Push based transmission that allows for data to be streamed in real-time or played back in variable speeds to allow for simulations and visual processing.